Sunday, May 27, 2007
My 7 Facts/Secrets
11:04 PM

I was tagged by
Chilli,to share my 7 random facts..
The rules are each doggy have to share 7 random facts about themselves .Then tag 7 dogs to share thier radom facts.Dogs that are tagged have to post the rules and their seven random facts!!
And here's mine..........1) I pee when I'm excited
2) I snapped many doggies until I lost count
3)I only perform my tricks with treats.
4)I was lost once and made mommy cry.
5)I shiver when I visit the vet
6)I always act brave when mommy is with me.
7)Last but not least, I'm also known as runaway dog/chi
paw print♥here
Friday, May 25, 2007
Silly pics of ME
6:31 PM

I was tagged by the handsome
Benben to show my silly pics heheh. Don't laugh'till you pee on the floor LOL!! Enjoy!!! =)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uH-OH! I was caught sitting on my sis,Yuki, which was asleep. I don't like it when Yuki sleeps on my bed

LOOOK what mommy did to me!? Don't you agree I look really silly?!?!

Okok,mommy thinks that I look kinda silly when i'm angry.(Hope I don't scare some doggies out there)

My weird poses..
I was wet that time but I can't remember why I did that...

That's it, doggies,hope you have a great laugh...

paw print♥here
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Tummy Tagged!!!
8:20 PM

I was tagged by
Snowy & Crystal and
Bella . Thanks dear Snowy & Crystal and Bella for tagging me!! Sorry for the delay, something was wrong with the internet connection. So here goes!!!

Here's me posing for the camera!!

Yea,I know I have a big tummy..

OH~~~I'm so shy!!!

posing in my leopard skin bed..

I hope everydoggies enjoyed it ^^
I now
(Hope you've not been tagged yet)
paw print♥here
Friday, May 18, 2007
8:40 PM

This is the meanie tortoise that bit me! Hmph!!

Mom took some photos of me before the meanie bit me!

Here's how my lower mouth looks like.. Terrible huh?

I was so exhausted after the frightful experience...
Look what the mean tortoise did to me!! It bit me real hard and it hurt so much! I yelled and mommy was startled .She then realized my mouth was bleeding and brought me inside.
The mean tortoise bit me because of my little barks,meanie!!. Don't worry about it, mommy made tortoise sup today. Heheheh
paw print♥here
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Pet-N-U 13 May 2007 Sunday
2:57 PM

You can see that I wanted to run away..

Running to mommy in full speed

This little shih tzu came out from nowhere...

and sat beside of me!!!...And then

I got mad and snap him!
paw print♥here
Saturday, May 12, 2007
11:27 PM

Hope you doggies out there have not forgotten about me!

Haha, is kinda big for me,but it feels more comfortable~
It has been a long time since my last post! Is all mommy's fault though, she was so busy with her exams and activities. Anyway how's everydoggy doing ^^? Here're some updated pics of me =3 Mommy brought me to the vet yesterday for my yearly jab and I found out I gain weight again! I'm 3.9kg now. I am such a fat chihuahua...sob
I'll be going to the Pet-n-U event tomorrow and mommy going to take many pics. ^^
Stay tune!
paw print♥here