Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Visit to the VET!!!
3:59 AM

Everyone had a good weekend? Monday was a public holiday here.
well, last week (Sunday) due for my monthly vaccination (Noooooo).
the hoomans brought me to the vet on Sunday morning and the vet was close, I was relived, jumping with joy!
The hoomans was dissapointed and decided to eat at the Dim Sum place beside the vet.

my favorite loh mai kai! glutinous rice!
give the puppy dog eyes, always works!

to my horror the vet hoomans came along and the vet is open for business
the red shirt hoomans is the vet, I am not happy to see him

this is how I looked when I see them. But the silly hoomans were very happy to
see them

I was their first customer of the day. I was nervous when I wait to be called to the room

after some regular check ups (I have gained 0.4 kg)!! mommy wasn't happy at all..
so you know what it means? Strict diet!! :(
is time for the injection. Mommy was surprised I didn't budge or make any sound.

after my ordeal, I finally able to go back! Another poor doggie going to see vet hooman

He came straight to me when the door opened

I didn't like to be treated that way and is pay back time! gave him some snappy face treatment
he was quick and avoided all my snaps

Didn't turned out as bad as I imagined, hoomans brought me to pet shop and bought for me treats. I came home and enjoy bacon treat on my comfy pillow.
(mommy forgot about my diet.. shhh)

paw print♥here
Looking to have an early Halloween plan-out but don’t know where to find the right
Halloween Costumes this early into the year? Visit for all your ghastly get-up needs! has a variety of costumes ranging from classy and sassy styles that which covers contemporary and historical ghouly needs. A one-stop website for costume lovers, is like a
Teen Halloween Costumes galore!

paw print♥here
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Health Insurance
12:58 PM

If you are interested and caution about your health and also fitness, there is an useful website, eHealth Help to assist you on health care plan or
Health Insurance. You can learn how health care plan works, the health care coverage and get the best health insurance quote. A short introduction about eHealth Help, has guiding people on health care services and health insurance since 1999 also worked for over 25 years with insurance and so on. In addition, eHealth Help purpose is to provide consumers with basic knowledge and some helpful organizational aids. The site does not recommend any one particular health insurance provider, health care supplier and all.
If you are having trouble finding affordable health insurance, eHealth Help is a good place to start. You can get a health insurance quote from the best health care industry leading insurance provides easy and quick. Apply online in just minutes. Also, there are Health Care news section, daily updated news on health. There is many tips available on the site specifically on claiming, calling and enrollment, people that are unsure about health care like me, knowledgeable and informative for daily life. There is Q and A section on questions people most frequently asked about. Visit now to read more on the site.
You can find great promotions at Black Friday, a consumer friendly site where there are all the Black Friday 2008 ads available before anyone else. The ads from major retailer store in the country. There are many Black Friday ads, from hardware, toys, video games, furniture and so many more; you can definitely find a store that has what you are looking for. Click on the retailer store you are interested in and look through the promotions they offer. Receive email updates to get notify for the latest promotions on any retailer store. Check through the store lists with almost 60 of stores to choose from. Purchase the products online through Black Friday and you don't have to make the hassle to wait for a long queue anymore. I am able to save big bucks on Christmas last year where I buy toys and video games for children cheaper than anywhere else. I checked on
ToysRUs and very happy with the price listing of all promotional items. The children were very happy with their toys and I can even buy extra treats and snacks for them to enjoy as well. I will definitely visit Black Friday at for thanksgiving deals , Christmas and more.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Mother's day Dinner
2:35 AM

I love my mommy and my mom.. (mom is mommy's mom)
Mom been so busy lately, she's planning to go on a trip next month...without me.. But she promised she will bring me there one day.. The place is called peeneng.. I think :)
I was late to wish all mommies a happy mother's day, I celebrated with my moms last Sunday,
it was very nice of the humans to include me to the dinner. Mom made reservation really early, to get a private room. The restaurant allow dogs, outdoors or room.
I wore my poncho because mommy said the room will be chilly.
in the car , looking outside

We went to a nice room and I got a seat for myself
okay, where's the food

mom also brought some new treat for me,
duck and rice 6:

This was my appetizer

lazy mom didn't take photos of the main dishes..
so let's skip to the sweet desserts

I had two of each of those.. My tummy was about to explode!!

Mommy's sis and her boyfriend surprised mommy with mother's day cake..
aw, aren't they sweet.. but sadly they bought chocolate.. and I couldn't have any

It was a great dinner indeed, I especially love mommy, I gave her extra kisses that day
and she said she's very happy to have me.. :)
paw print♥here
Attention all
DeathNote fans! DeathNote the movie is showing on the big screen for two days only on May 20th and 21st. Is an event not to be missed by all DeathNote fans! DeathNote,a quest for righteous justice soon turns into a dark personal vendetta. Light Yagami, a student who strongly curses the vulnerability of the world’s justice system comes across the Death Note, a book that takes the lives of others once their name is written on it. This new found gift soon becomes a tool of personal gain as Light is forced to justify his cause as ‘Kira,’ divine deliverer of justice. Hunted by the legendary detective ‘L’, Light is on a race against time to clear his name by creating the perfect alibi for the perfect scenario; a justified cause.If I had one supernatural characteristic, I want to be able to do teleportation at any time frame, either to the future or to the past. I am able to change the past and see the future!

Saturday, May 17, 2008
New Restaurant at The Curve
3:33 PM

There is a new restaurant at The Curve Bubba Gump, is all about shrimps, so if you love shrimps you have to try it out. Bubba Gump is originated from the US, based on the forrest gump movie. I'm sure there are many branches world wide like Japan, Bali, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.. and finally here in Malaysia..

There is a souvenir shop on their merchandise, clothes, hats, etc

partly inside is like this, if I'm not mistaken there is a second floor too. nice environment

well, here're the menus, the food is quite pricey, price range are like TGI Friday, Chillis, Tony romas.. There are famous for shrimps so we ordered shrimps

The sauces, and if you want to call the waiter or waitress change the "Run Forrest Run" to "Stop Forrest" in red.

very cool drink, my sis ordered this, is cost RM12.50
the drink so-so only but you get to keep the cup (new one)

The first one is the salad. don't know which salad is this, but really big portion!

the pic is not nicely taken because we were too eager to try it out. .xD
This is the Shtimper's Heaven RM44.90
different types of shrimps from coconut shrimp,chilly shrimp, fried shrimp, tempura shrimp with fries and dippin'sauces

The next one is Bourbon Street Baramundi -RM29.90
Alot of mash potatoes with charbroiled cajun spiced Baramundi

Do you like shrimp broth?
Order the Shrimpin Dippin'broth comes serves with jasmine rice and frech bread for dippin
shrimps cooked in a spicy broth- RM35.90

Shrimp Po'Boy RM24.90 under sandwiches section, shrimps and fries!

There are many tempting desserts to try out
If you love chocolate, you should order "That Chocolate Thing"
Big jar of warm flourless chocolate cake topped with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream
can't finish this one xD too full

yea, that's about it, if you like to try something new, this is a place to go.
paw print♥here
If you love horror movies that make your skin crawl, you might want to watch the new film,
Frontier(s) . Frontiers is an unrated
horror movie and the fact unrated movies don't usually show on the big screen however Frontiers is doing so now. In addition, you are bound to be scared of your feet with uncut and uncensored violence and gruesome scenes. I find films like this intriguing, I have seen several films with similar genre and I really eager to watch this one. I have watched the
Trailer and I find the film sort of scary and little shock for me. You can see people are tortured, butchered, cannibals, the fears together with great sound effects really makes the movie stands out. The film is showing in select theatres starting May 9th for one week only! So hurry up and get your friends to watch it with you and do check the
select theater listings (only suitable for adults above 18 years of age). The unrated DVD of this movie has been released on the 13th of May 2008, go grab a copy now. You can visit
Frontier(s) official websites to view trailer I mentioned, synopsis of the movie, and more.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Rambo First blood back on Theatres
11:07 PM

Are you a big fan of Rambo and have watched every Rambo series for the past years? You have a chance to watch
Rambo First Blood, the movie that made history,is back on the big screen showing May 15, 2008. The best part is you get to see the alternate ending, where Rambo dies, first time ever in theatres. Also, you can never miss an exclusive and never before seen interview with Sylvester Stallone. Is an event not to be missed by all Rambo fans. In addition, there is a Rambo First Blood movie pop quiz on the site, take the quiz to find out how much you know about Rambo.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Memoir Meme Tag!
12:43 PM

I was tagged by cutey
Candi to play Memoir Meme :D
Here are the rules :
1) Write your own six word memoir.
2) Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.
3) Link to the person that tagged you in your post, and to the original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere.
4) Tag at least five more blogs with links.
5) Don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.
6) Have fun
The first one Glutton of course!
I enjoy food and love food!
Adventurous I love slides and going different places to play
FeistyI like to snap at doggies and hoomans ( i can't help it!!!)
I love taking pictures when I feel like it and give a big smile.
My late sissy, Yuki, likes to cuddle me when she sleeps and so does mom.
I love to play with squeaky ball and toys!
paw print♥here
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Stylish Design
11:52 PM

There is a very interesting website,, is a blog on web design and other topics related to web designs. I find the blog very informative and great knowledge on computers, websites, page ranking, World Wide Web, web directories, photoshop and more. There are many articles available to read and updated daily. I have limited knowledge on technology and computers and stylish Design is a great place to start and read the articles to help me have a better understanding. For example, articles on
database backup solutions, although I am not a IT expert, knowing detailed information on these articles will be handy and useful for present and the future. You can know save time, decrease the amount of required backup media and more on the articles.
If you enjoy and love to read the articles, subscribe on the website and get notify on the latest articles.
Hey everyone! Mom finally brought me to Boat House for lunch. Is a great place and friendly towards doggies, which is so COOL! Sorry, no picture! Mom took some pictures but it was really dark and blur.. The food is a little pricey, hope they bring me there again..
Mom bought a new treat for me, I didn't want to eat it at first because looks very like cat treats to me. But is for cats and dogs, so what the heck! I tried it the first time and it was so Tasty!!!
I beg for more.

little ikan bilis.

I think I'm becoming a cat! gimme gimme!!


satisfied face.
i had no idea, cat treats are this yummy..
maybe my friends out there should try it too!

Also, I got tagged by Sparky on my Middle Name few weeks ago!
Yes, finally I am able to do it this week ^.^
The rules are:
1. You have to post the rules before you give your answers.
2. You must list one fact about yourself beginning with each letter of your middle name. (If you don't have a middle name, use your maiden name or your mother's maiden name).3. At the end of your blog post, you need to tag one person (or blog of another species)
for each letter of your middle name. (Be sure to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged)
My family middle name is Chew , so mine too. :D
let's see... Mom thought of these..
ChildlikeHastyEnjoy FoodWell beingI guess some are true.. butttt
I prefer to go with
Egg sausage
Hehe, that was fun, if you aren't tagged yet, consider yourself tagged!! :)

I hope I can still enter the scary eyes contest. Here's my entry..
paw print♥here
Learning can never be easier and convenient, you can now do your foundation degree
Marketing Courses ,Business management, Entrepreneurship, Sales Management and Internet Marketing with the online degrees to enhance your working career. Online Foundation Degrees are first offered with the collaboration of Kaplan Open Learning and the University of Essex. Working adults in the UK and also non UK resident students are able to study with Kaplan Open Learning. The best thing about Open Learning and online foundation programs is the conveniences and flexibilty; students do not need to travel to attend classes. Ideal for working adults, for them to less hassle and learning entirely online with the comfort of home, work and else where. Open Learning implement a flexible method of studying to the students, enabling them to choose when and how they study. The essential thing you need to study with Open Learning is computer with internet access also able to support and operate the software. You can study from any venue such as library, home, or work. Some people are worried they might get lost in the learning process of the online Degree Foundations and no one to approach to seek guidance. However, this matter shouldn't be worry at all, throughout the whole courses, students are given support able to interact with other students, tutors and also an academic adviser. There are many advantages to study online Degree Foundations with Kaplan Open Learning, flexible online degrees are best suited for working adults; they can finish their degrees anytime, start and take a break anytime. Additionally, high quality education with experienced and leading educational providers in the UK. There are no examinations throughout the courses, all assessments are based on participation on discussions and assignments that are based on real life work experience. If you are interested, visit their website to learn more about their backgrounds, courses offered and more. There is also a virtual tour for you to view.

Thursday, May 1, 2008
12:43 AM

If you have a serious chronic panic associated with debilitating mental and physical symptoms,
ultram is the right choice for you to relieve pain. In addition, Ultram is effective to treat depression. Recent studies have showed that medications are able to enhance people's mood. You should consult your doctor before taking the drug; different people might have different side effects.