What a gloomy week!
is it rainy season already? the sky is dull and mommy can't bring me walkies! I always look forward for weekend walkies!
today cancelled again.
If it rains tomorrow again, I will throw a tantrum
! Aside from all the rain, mommy is busy with her assignment again means no one to keep me occupy.
on a brighter note, the hoomans brought me for bak kut teh dindin

looking out the window covered with rain drops
Hi hi!
Mommy is doing her assignment now and is about
Animal testing
mommy found some awful photos and videos of pointless experiments on animals from her research
she doesn't want to show it here. (scary photos)
They do experiments on dogs, cats, mice, primates, rabbits and etc
she researching a particular company that evaluate safety of a product by testing on the animals
mommy feel animal testing is pointless too because hoomans and animals are different.
hoomans may react differently to how other animals reacts so the result is inaccurate and unreliable.
Mommy is glad all her products she using is free from animal testing :)
hereto check what companies do animal testing
so don't support animal testing!
There are other alternatives to animal testing too.. sighs!
mommy said she will help me blog again after she finish her proposal
till then!
Hello! The line is in a happy♥mood today and let me sign in :)
lots of
recently! Mommy wants to post some photos from months ago but she has to retrieve it from the "sick" computer first 
On the other note, mommy's camera is GONE 
so now mommy settle with her phone or an old camera given by her big sissy
For now, there're not many photos to share :)
but I like to share a recent picture of me♥♥♥
my fur fur are long now 

take care ♥