Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Sick Amber
6:36 PM

Bad News, Amber has diarrhea yesterday which I thought maybe something she eaten. But to my horror, she has bloody stool today and vormit saliva with strips of blood. And her, some people called it "gagging", "coughing",or" asthma" is becoming worst. She usually do that like 2-3 times a week, but she consistenly doing it since I came back from my hometown. I brought Amber to the vet twice yesterday and today. The doctor told me the bloody stool could be cause by bacteria infection in her internal organ and the coughing gagging maybe due to her lungs. Amber has to do X-Ray tomorrow morning. Sigh, 2 symptoms a day... Let's home Amber didn't get any serious viral or cancer or tumor... :'(
oh yea, I forgot to add that Amber still has good appetite and wants to play fetch. It really relieves me that she still eats and plays. ^^
paw print♥here
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Happy Chinese New Year !!!
12:53 AM

Hi guys!! Happy Chinese New Year!!! Xi Nian Kuai Le!!!
My mommy taught me to bite ang pow because is very useful when collecting angpow from the visitors, heheh. $$HAVE A GREAT YEAR EVERYONE!!!!
paw print♥here
Saturday, February 10, 2007
4:06 PM

paw print♥here
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Amber's tricks!!!
10:55 PM

paw print♥here
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Day out at Ikano !!
10:24 PM

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paw print♥here
Friday, February 2, 2007
Yuki,my stepsis
3:58 PM

This is Yuki, she looks cute when she is sleeping~ but...

When she is awake, she is a
hunter, cold blooded hunter!!! She caught rats, lizards, cockroaches, insects and bird. Here's an entry about my stepsis cat, Yuki. Yuki is unpredictable!!! Sometimes, she really likes to play with me and sometimes she try to scratch me with her crazy long & sharp nails!!! I get really mad, and I'll bark and chase her around the house. No one dares to hug Yuki because of her hot temper except mommy. My mommy's dad really proud of Yuki's great hunting skill. But mommy finds it disgusting... Do you wanna know what happen to Yuki's victims...?
paw print♥here