Bad News, Amber has diarrhea yesterday which I thought maybe something she eaten. But to my horror, she has bloody stool today and vormit saliva with strips of blood. And her, some people called it "gagging", "coughing",or" asthma" is becoming worst. She usually do that like 2-3 times a week, but she consistenly doing it since I came back from my hometown. I brought Amber to the vet twice yesterday and today. The doctor told me the bloody stool could be cause by bacteria infection in her internal organ and the coughing gagging maybe due to her lungs. Amber has to do X-Ray tomorrow morning. Sigh, 2 symptoms a day... Let's home Amber didn't get any serious viral or cancer or tumor... :'(
oh yea, I forgot to add that Amber still has good appetite and wants to play fetch. It really relieves me that she still eats and plays. ^^