I spent this weekend with mommy alone. The family went back to their hometown this morning. I wasn't allowed to follow so mommy decided to stay back and take care of me and the house. There is only me and mommy at home. The house is quiet without the family. Still Me and mommy had so much time together. She played with me the whole day. She has been very generous the whole day too!!
Mommy fed me burger, pork curry!! Yumyum!!


Ice-cream!! My favorite flavor: Vanilla!!

So cold and creamy!!

Mommy let me finished the whole stick

"Mommy!! Can I have another one?"

Lastly, mommy fed me some junk food while we watched TV together

I'm having a gweat weekend with mommy. The family will be back tomorrow in the evening. I'm going to sleep now. Nightnight all!! :)
I'm all ready for Chilli's
beach Pawty!! Since it is going to be a hot day, I need my beach hat and my sunglasses. I'm already at the beach, I wonder where's Chilli and the others. I think I'm on the wrong side of the island. Can someone get me? Hhhheeeelllpppp..