I just read the newspaper that a 12 years old girl commit suicide because she got 3B's for her UPSR examination instead of A's. Is truly sad that she chose the path to commit suicide over something like that. I am sure that today children are stress in school and exams.
Think of a mother who loves her newborn baby. She tries to take good care of her baby by meeting all of its biological and psychological needs. This is taking good care of someone. However, many people never learn how to take good care of themselves in each life area. Loving yourself--translated into actions--means caring for all your needs and values the way a mother cares for her newborn baby.
Our happiness is determined by the satisfaction of our values. A simple but profound psychological fact is that our happiness is determined by the satisfaction of our true, inner values. By values I include all biologically based needs and all learned needs or values (including metavalues).