The final Boss
Yes, I completed Zelda Phantom Hourglass last week. Now I can overall rate the game. The final boss was not-too-tough for me. At first, I didn't know how to free the fairy, after a few tries, the boss is easy to beat. Then after I defeated the final boss, the old man transform to his true form- a whale 0.o .. He got all his power back and granted Lineback a wish, and te wish is- get his old boat back 0.o... He should ask for a bigger boat xD
And Tetra, the princess is free and reunite with er Link. Sadly, the fairy, Link's companion right from the start when Tetra was kinapped by the ghost ship has to leave to serve the Ocean King. The Fairy is really funny btw. Link and Tetra are back on their ship and they live happily ever after.. That's the end of the game.. Well, I hate the game most is the dungeons and puzzles.. Other than that, the game is great. I rate this game 4/5 stars! Bravo! I should try to play Zelda for Wii version this few days... since I already have the game.. lol!