Deja Vu On tuesday, my mom and all my siblings went to Cineleisure for lunch. Erm, me and my younger sister ate assam laksa,which was pretty good, as tasty as my aunt's. My mom and my other siblings fed up eating assam laksa in penang and ate the cafe opposite us,*don't know the shops' name* Then,my big sis realized she has some free movie tickets,but only for selected movies only. So, me and my big sis ended up watching Deja Vu*pay*, and my mom and the others watched happy feet*free*, heheh.My big sis persuaded me to watch with her, cause I wasn't interested in action-pack films. But suprisingly, I kinda enjoyed the movie and the ending is good too. My sis is liked "is so sad" -_-; I love to eat popcorn btw, cineleisure popcorn is pretty good XD
WednesdayMe,mom and 2 siblings went to oneUtama to have lunch, we ate in BBQ plaza,bcuz we wanted to use the coupon before it expired. We thought we ordered too much but still finshed in the end. XD We went Jusco after lunch. And my mom realized she has to fetched her friend, Fazila, to the Pet shop to buy cat food. I brought amber as well, Amber was quite unfriendly, i mean really unfriendly. But Fazila want to sentuh her, she said she very geram. ><
Amber as usual walk around the pet shop and barking at the dogs inside the cage U^T^U
Gome ne Amber chan, kyo walkie ga shimasen...