I am happy to get pressie from my mom
this is what she got me.
she got me a laser thingy for me to play and chase so I can have fun and lose some weight at the same time
she tried it out right away and the laser dot definitely caught me eye.
but I know the laser dot is from the laser thingy
and I just laugh at it.
mom: "why amber not chasing it?" :(
enough about the laser, mom got me a pink pj
is soft and warm.
now, I feel warm when I sleep with mom
I can't believe mom got me weird looking doll, I didn't like it, mom kept it for herself instead
mom finally got me a pet carrier, so she can smuggle me anywhere.. *hehehe*
let's go out mom!
the bed carrier is very comfy inside
is really soft i can sleep here Zzzz
Mom got a California toy train for me, with a squeaker inside
the squeaky sound provokes me
"throw it mom!!!"
me fetching :)