Hello everyone, mommy and the hoomans bought home some yummylicious cupcakes
the other day. Look at the cute cupcakes, d patterns are intriguing aren't they.

There're also mini lovely cupcakes

Here're some pics of the cupcakes.. ^^
Very chocolaty cupcake

This is the chocolate mint cupcake

The heart shape cupcake

Can you guess who this is?
character from sesame street ^^

Cookies and cream cupcake

The icing isn't that nice, I quite enjoyed it, but I prefer pizza and ice cream

Mommy brought me for walkies after gaining a few pounds.
I meet a new neighborhood cat, orange male cat.
When I first saw him and charged at him but he didn't even budge.
I think I am losing my touch :(

Does he look mean?
He wasn't thrilled to see me there
he is about the same size as me.
Thank you thank you for the lovely awards!! ^^
I pass daily blogger award to adorable
Snoop !

and for this sparkling award to
Shushu Momo & Kero,
Snowy & Crystal,
Gus, Louie & Callie,
Suggested Rules for Accepting this Award are:
1) Add the logo of the award to your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you
3) Nominate 7 other blogs (I think 7 is a bit too many but I didn't make up this list.)
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs