Mommy has been busy playing her Nintendo Wii, she can play the whole day (i'm not kidding)
She was so thrilled when the game(Animal Crossing) was released
anyone heard of the game? Is a really cute game where you can play virtually with players around the world
Mommy brought me to the park near my house to to let me try out the new slides
to our horror.. The Blue sign..
No Dogs allowed
we were so disappointed and sad
Look at the new playground.. fortunately no one is around
so mommy quickly off leashed me and play
I'm top of the world.. (sort of) :)
I love love slides, there are so fun!!
here's me sliding down
After sliding down, I tried to climbed back up the slide but all attempts failed
I decided to use the other route..
Before I can have more fun, people started coming and mom and I had to leave.. :(
Wish there's a park that is dog friendly..